The City of Dubuque is again sponsoring its “Merry Mulch” Christmas Tree Collection and Composting Program, which provides solid waste collection customers a convenient, curbside,

Christmas tree collection service, while also beneficially recycling natural trees into compost. Yard waste bags, bundles and containers, as well as GreenCarts with food scraps, will also be collected on regular collection days for two weeks beginning on Monday, Jan. 2, 2017, and ending Friday, Jan. 13, 2017.  Residents should set out their trees (maximum of eight feet high) and other compostables next to their refuse on their normal collection day.

•  Crews appreciate very large trees cut in half, with no pieces over five feet in length.
•  The tree must have either one City Brush Tie or one yellow City Yard Waste Sticker attached and visible from the street or alley. Please remove all ornaments, lights, tinsel, wire, nails, stands or plastic bags.
•  Yard waste bags and containers with attached yellow City Yard Waste Stickers will also be collected.  City Brush Ties cost $1.30 each and yellow City Yard Waste Stickers cost $6.50 for a sheet of five. Both are sold at City Hall and most grocery, discount and hardware stores throughout Dubuque.  Annual 2017 decals are also acceptable on containers and are sold at City Hall.

Wreaths and garland contain too much wire to compost. Flocked trees are not compostable.  As a reminder for post-holiday trash collection, please do not place foil-lined envelopes, greeting cards, gift wrap, Styrofoam, bubble wrap, foam peanuts, plastic bags, or glass in recycling bins - those items are not recyclable. Consider reusing/repurposing these items before disposing of them with your regular garbage.
For additional information, please call the City of Dubuque Public Works Department at (563) 589-4250 or visit

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