Lane Closures at Major Dubuque Intersection(Asbury & NW Arterial) starting Thur July 14th.
It's Good news/Bad news for commuters that use the Northwest Arterial in Dubuque, After motorists have dealt with lane closures at Pennsylvania and the Northwest Arterial for the past several weeks, that intersection is due to re-open this week. That's the good news. The bad news: construction is now moving North to another intersection on the Arterial.
Due to the Northwest Arterial State of Good Repair Project, there will be lane closures on Asbury Rd. to accommodate the installation of temporary traffic signals on Thursday, July 14, and Friday, July 15.
The westbound right-turn lane on Asbury Rd. at the Northwest Arterial will be closed on Thursday, July 14, from 8 a.m. to 5p.m
The eastbound right-turn lane on Asbury Rd. at the Northwest Arterial will be closed on Friday, July 15, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Right turns will be allowed from the through-lanes during both the eastbound and westbound lane closures.
Motorists will need follow the posted detour and/or use a different route during this time.
Map available at www.cityofdubuque.org/detours.
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