According to a story from the Telegraph Herald, after 11 years at the helm of NICC, current president Liang Chee Wee will be stepping down at the end of the month. He will be replaced by Herbert Riedel, who was most recently president of Lurleen B. Wallace Community College in Andalusia, Alabama for 10 years.

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Dr. Herbert Riedel

Riedel earned a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics and M.Math from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, and a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Pretoria, in Pretoria, South Africa.

Riedel oversaw six major construction projects during his time in Alabama. This includes the construction of Lurleen B. Wallace Community College’s first student housing complex, the securing of $13 million in federal grants, the raising of $3.4 million in private funds, the doubling of the net assets of each of two College foundations to a combined $6.4 million, the merger of the two foundations, the institution of an honors program, advances in technology and online instruction, increases in dual enrollment, new program options in advanced manufacturing and new short-term skills training programs, an exceptionally positive SACSCOC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges) reaffirmation of accreditation, and national recognition for student success, which included the highest fall to fall retention rate in the state of Alabama.

According to a story from the Anadlusia Star News, “all of these accomplishments, were done in a fiscally responsible manner during a time of diminished state funding, through public-private partnerships and conservative fiscal management without incurring any indebtedness, thereby resulting in stable, robust College finances.”

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