Each and every year, several new laws go into effect in states all across the US. Some laws go into effect in the middle point of the year. This year alone, Governor Kim Reynolds signed more than 180 bills into law, with many set to go into effect next week, on July 1st, 2024.

These laws cover a wide variety of things, from consumable hemp products to meat alternatives, and even swatting calls. Here's a look at five laws that will be going into effect starting July 1st:

New Laws for Meat and Egg Alternatives:

Vegetarian offerings like "Impossible Burgers" or "Meatless Burgers" might be boasting different labels soon. Governor Reynolds signed SF 2391 into law last month, which requires companies who create meat and/or egg alternatives to use specific language so consumers aren't confused.

The law gives the Department of Inspections the power to fine the processing plant responsible, and bar its products from being sold to Iowa school districts and community college, per We Are Iowa.

Photo Credits: ThinkStock; james steidl; artisteer
Photo Credits: ThinkStock; james steidl; artisteer

Restrictions on Businesses Selling Hemp Products:

Iowa's famously strict laws on hemp products are set to get a bit tighter. The bill HF 2605 caps THC serving limits at 4mg per serving and 10mg per container. The law also stipulates that people who buy consumable hemp products that include THC must be over 21-years-old (I thought that was already a state-wide law, but that could be my brain stuck on Illinois).

Swatting Penalties Increase:

For those who don't know, "Swatting" is a harassment act where a person pranks an emergency service into sending police or other law enforcement officials to another person's addresses. This could mean false reports of a murder, bomb threat, or hostage situation. Swatting has been a depressingly common occurrence for YouTube/Twitch users, particularly those who stream themselves playing video games online.

SF 2161 will increase penalties who make false reports to public safety officials. Suspects of the crime would be charged with a Class D felony, upgraded from a Class C felony. A class D felony can be punished by up to five years in prison and a fine of $1,025–$10,245.

The Iowa Department of Public Safety revealed that the state has seen a "significant uptick" in swatting calls in recent years.

Teenagers Can Drive at a Younger Age:

Another law set to go into effect on July 1st affects those as young as 14.5-years-old. Those individuals will be allowed to drive up to 25 miles away to attend work or school. However, this will require the individual to have a "special minor's restricted license" and have held an instruction permit for at least six months (plus have completed an approved driver's education course).

The Most Controversial New Law of All:

Iowa's controversial immigration law — which would make it a state crime for a person who has previously been denied entry to or removed from the United States to be in Iowa — was temporarily blocked by a judge this month. It was set to go into effect on July 1st.

Per We Are Iowa, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice are suing the state of Iowa over the law, hence the reason it's been blocked. U.S. District Court Judge Stephen Locher issued a preliminary injunction on the immigration law as a response.

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Read more about new laws set to take effect in Iowa on July 1st on We Are Iowa's website.

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