In case your haven't heard Major League Baseball is coming to the Field of Dreams in Dyersville.   Okay, you've probably heard about the game on Thursday...but there's a lot more going on than the actual baseball game.

Beyond the game is offering special museum tours, live music, a showing of the original "Field of Dreams" movie and more.  Below is a current schedule of events.  As always, times of some events are subject to change.

Wednesday August 11th

8:00 AM

If You Build It Exhibit Opens | Downtown

12:00 PM

Kids Zone Opens | Westside Park

12:00 PM

Experience Iowa Zone | Westside Park

12:00 PM

Food Vendors Open

12:00 PM

Beer Vendors Open

1:00 PM

Main Street Jazz Band | Budweiser Stage at City Square

4:00 PM

Brandon Gibbs with Joel Kosche | Budweiser Stage at City Square

6:00 PM

If You Build It Exhibit Closes

7:00 PM

Movie Night | City Square

7:00 PM

Experience Iowa Zone & Kids Zone Closes | Westside Park

7:00 PM

Country Concert | Commercial Club Park

Doors open at 5:00 pm
Shy Carter at 7:00 pm
Ingrid Andress at 8:30 pm
Maddie & Tae at 10:00 pm
Site Closes at 12:00 am

August 12th

8:00 AM

If You Build It Exhibit Opens | Downtown Dyersville

10:00 AM

Kids Zone Opens | Westside Park

10:00 AM

Experience Iowa Zone | Westside Park

10:00 AM

Food Vendors Open

10:00 AM

Beer Vendors Open

1:00 PM

Ziegfried Underground | Budweiser Stage at City Square

4:00 PM

Lonesome Road | Budweiser Stage at City Square

6:00 PM

If You Build It Exhibit Closes

6:00 PM

Official MLB Viewing Party | City Square

Broadcast starts at 6:00 pm followed by first pitch at 6:20 pm

9:00 PM

Experience Iowa Zone & Kids Zone Closes | Westside Park

9:30 PM

Not Quite Brothers | West Side Park

Following the Official MLB Viewing Party

10:00 PM

Food Vendors Close | Westside Park

12:00 AM

Beer Vendors Close | Westside Park

Please see individual events for admission*, seating availability, weather policy, carry-in policy, etc. Schedule is subject to change.

*Events are free to attend with the exception of the If You Build It Exhibit.

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