Which State Has the Most Oath Keepers on ADL Leaked Data Report?
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has released an extensive report linked to leaked Oath Keeper membership data from coast to coast. The information identifies whether specific people are engaged in public service-related professions in each state, including midwest states such as Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin.
The ADL is an international Jewish non-governmental organization based in the United States specializing in civil rights law. The ADL report says a data leak revealed the information of thousands of people whose names were in an Oath Keepers database as having paid for a membership at some point. The ADL Report states the Oath Keepers are widely considered an anti-government extremist group associated with the militia movement.
The interactive website and data compiled by the ADL are intended to highlight the Oath Keeper's reach into American communities and raise awareness around an extremist anti-government ideology and conspiracies.
Some of the ADL's findings include the claim that Texas has the most people who signed up for the Oath Keepers, with more than 3300.
More than 600 Texans from the Oath Keepers data leak were found to work in the professions of Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, First Responders, and the Military.
The ADL points out that Texas not only has the most Oath Keeper members but the most within the public positions.
Total Number of Oath Keepers Signups in the State of Texas: 3301
Elected Officials: 8
Law Enforcement: 33
Military: 10
First Responders: 7
Total Within These Professions: 58
The Commonwealth of Virginia is stated to have 1091 Oath Keeper signups, and most military members have also associated themselves with the Oath Keepers.
Elected Officials: 1
Law Enforcement: 6
Military: 15
First Responders: 3
Total Within These Professions: 25
Meanwhile, the ADL says New York has 54 law enforcement officers out of 1996 Oath Keeper Signups.
In the midwest, the ADL points to Illinois for having the highest number of first responders (EMTs, firefighters, and paramedics) on Oath Keepers membership rolls.
Total Number of Oath Keepers Signups in the Illinois: 883
- Elected Officials: 3
- Law Enforcement: 21
- Military: 2
- First Responders: 10Total Within These Professions: 36
The State of Iowa has a modest number of Oath Keepers Signups in the State: 330. Additionally, there are six members of Law Enforcement who are said to have a connection.
- Elected Officials: 0
- Law Enforcement: 6
- Military: 0
- First Responders: 0
Total Within These Professions: 6
Wisconsin is said to have 609 Oath Keeper members, with a small number reportedly involved in public positions.
- Elected Officials: 6
- Law Enforcement: 4
- Military: 1
- First Responders: 3
Total Within These Professions: 14
The ADL report describes The Oath Keepers as an extremist group with an anti-government ideology. It describes the group's members as believing in the conspiracy, widely known as the New World Order. The group allegedly thinks the New World Order has co-opted the federal government to strip Americans of their rights and will ultimately enslave U.S. citizens.
Most recently, 26 people identified as Oath Keepers were arrested due to the January 6 Capitol attack. Twelve individuals, including Oath Keeper founder Stewart Rhodes, have been charged with seditious conspiracy for their role in the uprising at the U.S. Capitol.
The ADL report says the leak of Oath Keeper members included full names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and membership types. ADL Center on Extremism researchers compared the names in the data with information in public databases, media reports, and social media platforms.
Although the ADL has made its report public, it also displays the following website disclaimer:
Important: an individual's inclusion in the Oath Keeper database is not proof that they were or are still an Oath Keeper, that they hold or held all or some of Oath Keeper ideology or viewpoints, or that they ever actively participated in Oath Keeper activities. When reviewing this information, you should bear in mind the possibility that the individual misunderstood the nature of the Oath Keepers. Before taking any action based on this information, an individualized assessment of the individual must take place.
CLICK TO VIEW THE FULL ADL REPORT: oath-keepers-data-leak-unmasking-extremism-public-life
Learn More About the Oath Keepers via CBS 60 Minutes