‘The Batman’ Gets Pushed Back For a Second Time‘The Batman’ Gets Pushed Back For a Second TimePlus, other DC movies are delayed.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Robert Pattinson Contracts Covid-19, Shutting Down ‘The Batman’ ProductionRobert Pattinson Contracts Covid-19, Shutting Down ‘The Batman’ ProductionProduction has halted again.ScreenCrush StaffScreenCrush Staff
‘The Batman’s Batmobile Debuts in New Set Photos‘The Batman’s Batmobile Debuts in New Set PhotosThis movie looks amazing.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Colin Farrell In Talks to Play The Penguin in ‘The Batman’Colin Farrell In Talks to Play The Penguin in ‘The Batman’Squawk!Matt SingerMatt Singer
Christian Bale Approves of Robert Pattinson As the New BatmanChristian Bale Approves of Robert Pattinson As the New BatmanThe Dark Knight gives the thumbs up to the BattinsonScreenCrush StaffScreenCrush Staff
Robert Pattinson Describes Putting on the Batsuit For the First TimeRobert Pattinson Describes Putting on the Batsuit For the First Time“You do feel very powerful immediately.”Matt SingerMatt Singer