Two States Have a Real ‘Rainbow Bridge’ Where We Can Remember Our PetsTwo States Have a Real ‘Rainbow Bridge’ Where We Can Remember Our PetsThe poem itself is 65 years old.Jolana MillerJolana Miller
Why Are Dog Thefts in Illinois Suddenly Skyrocketing?Why Are Dog Thefts in Illinois Suddenly Skyrocketing?I don't understand why anyone would be heartless enough to do this. Statistics are showing that dog thefts in Illinois are skyrocketing and there's no good reason why.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
Hey Iowa, Remember This When Walking Your Dog This SummerHey Iowa, Remember This When Walking Your Dog This SummerRemember these tips when walking your dog during Iowa's summer months. GabeGabe
Never Approach a Dog With a Yellow or Red Bandana or Ribbon Without AskingNever Approach a Dog With a Yellow or Red Bandana or Ribbon Without AskingMay I say hi to your pup?Jolana MillerJolana Miller
Why Your Dog’s Paws Smell Like FritosWhy Your Dog’s Paws Smell Like FritosHere's when the smell of your dog's paws mean vet time. Jolana MillerJolana Miller
We Are Approaching the Week of the Year With the Most Lost PetsWe Are Approaching the Week of the Year With the Most Lost PetsDid you know that July is Lost Pet Prevention Month? CourtlinCourtlin
Can You Identify These Popular Family Pets? It’s Harder Than You Think.Can You Identify These Popular Family Pets? It’s Harder Than You Think.Can you tell the difference between a hamster and a guinea pig? How about a betta and a guppy? Test your pet ID skills in our cute quiz. Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
Eastern Iowans Share the Stories Behind Their Pets’ Names [GALLERY]Eastern Iowans Share the Stories Behind Their Pets’ Names [GALLERY]National Pet Day was April 11th, and we used the holiday as an excuse to see your adorable animals!CourtlinCourtlin
Explore the key categories used to evaluate dog owner responsibility, including vet visits, vaccinations, and location devices.Jeff HarknessJeff Harkness
Honest Truth About Why Dogs Sniff Crotches and Steal UnderwearHonest Truth About Why Dogs Sniff Crotches and Steal UnderwearThe dog is just trying to get comfortable with you while you are uncomfortable. Rob CarrollRob Carroll