New 2025 Changes To Walmart Security Could Be Coming To IowaNew 2025 Changes To Walmart Security Could Be Coming To IowaIt's no secret... theft has been a hot topic for retail stores in parts of Iowa. Many have gone to locking important, and not so important items up. The locks just keep going up.JakeJake
Iowa Governor Seeks To Ban Cellphones In Classrooms In New BillIowa Governor Seeks To Ban Cellphones In Classrooms In New BillIt's always a hot button topic.Sarah StringerSarah Stringer
Parents Need To Be Aware Of New Law As FBI Warns About Swatting In IowaParents Need To Be Aware Of New Law As FBI Warns About Swatting In IowaKids also might think it's funny to "swatt" their friends without realizing just how terrible it is. This new law has now added jail time to swatting.JakeJake
Know Before You Throw: Iowa’s Battery Disposal Laws and What They Mean for YouKnow Before You Throw: Iowa’s Battery Disposal Laws and What They Mean for YouThey're cut as cut and dry as you may think.Johnny MarksJohnny Marks
What Happens if You Skip Jury Duty in Iowa?What Happens if You Skip Jury Duty in Iowa?What happens if you skip jury duty? GabeGabe
Can You Legally Drive a 4-Wheeler on Iowa Roads?Can You Legally Drive a 4-Wheeler on Iowa Roads?Can you legally ride atvs on public roads in Iowa? GabeGabe
Is This Popular Exotic Pet Allowed In College Dorms In Iowa?Is This Popular Exotic Pet Allowed In College Dorms In Iowa?A popular pet might be an option for those going to college this fall.Sarah StringerSarah Stringer
Can You Legally Own an Axolotl in Iowa?Can You Legally Own an Axolotl in Iowa?Can you legally own an Axolotl in Iowa? GabeGabe
Is a Green Tag All Dogs Need For Proof of Rabies Vaccine in Iowa?Is a Green Tag All Dogs Need For Proof of Rabies Vaccine in Iowa?Is a green tag enough to prove your dog has a rabies vaccine. GabeGabe
What is the Maximum Speed Limit You Can Drive in Iowa?What is the Maximum Speed Limit You Can Drive in Iowa?How is Iowa's maximum speed limit compared to the rest of the country? GabeGabe