Annual Lighting of the Christmas Tree at Dubuque Library This Weekend
It may not be the same as the lighting of the Christmas tree in New York, but it should still be a great event. The annual lighting of the Christmas tree at the Dubuque Carnegie-Stour Public Library.
The Library’s tree lighting ceremony for its 18-foot Christmas tree decorated in full Victorian splendor is this Saturday, December 3rd from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. The Dubuque Senior High School Madrigal Performers will provide holiday music around the tree including sing-alongs. Children can enter a drawing to light the tree and holiday refreshments will be provided.
This family-friendly event is this Saturday, December 3rd from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Carnegie-Stout Public Library on Locust Street in downtown Dubuque. Just head straight to the 2nd Floor Rotunda and Gallery Area
The mission of the Carnegie-Stout Public Library is to improve the quality of life by providing resources for individual enjoyment, enlightenment, and knowledge, and that enhance the literacy of youth. Learn more at www.carnegiestout.org