If you ever find yourself in the weeds, there are a few kids who can help you out. All kidding and puns aside, there's Goats on the Go Dubuque who can help you remove overgrown weeds, brush, and invasive species taking over your property.

A goat looks at us
Photo Credit: michelangeloop

Such as it is on Clarke University's campus, where nearly three-dozen goats are currently chomping away to clear 13 of the 50 acres that make up the historic campus.

Peg and Tim Harbaugh, owners of Cox Springs Farm, are part of the affiliated network Goats on the Go, founded by the Steel and Steenhoek families near Ames, Iowa, in 2012. A shared passion for sustainable agriculture and conservation led to a growing network of independent, local targeted grazing affiliates such as Cox Springs Farm.

Cox Springs Farm serves Delaware, Dubuque, and Jackson Counties in Iowa, including Dubuque, Maquoketa, Dyersville, and Manchester.

According to the website, the service aims to manage invasive plants and overgrowth in a conservation-minded way with goats doing the work they love; eating!

While on the job, the goats will stay on campus in a fenced area with electric netting to keep them corraled and targeted for eating the designated plants.

According to Goats on the Go, the benefits of employing goats over herbicides and power equipment help safeguard the environment for future generations by efficiently and naturally allowing the animals to do what they do best. Plus, goats can maneuver and eat plants that most other animals won't, leaving nothing behind but their fertilizer for a fresh start toward regrowth. Additionally, seeds are not typically viable after being eaten and digested by goats, so it provides an efficient step toward ridding a property of invasive and unwanted plants.

To learn more about Cox Springs Farm, LLC, visit coxspringsfarm.com

To learn more about Goats on the Go, visit goatsonthego.com

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