There is a new beer on the rise of popularity in Illinois and you're never going to guess what kind.

New Popular Beer In Illinois

It's weird when I think back but when I was a kid, I was obsessed with beer. I think it's because my dad, his friends, neighbors, and family all drank lots of it. My dad was always looking for a new kind to try. I benefited with an amazing beer can collection.

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Do you remember back in those days, there were quite a few different brands of beer but not like today? Nowadays, you've got domestic, imports, microbrews, and more. There are so many it's hard to keep track. That's not even getting into things like seltzers and other beverages like that.

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Beer fans are always looking for the next best brand or flavor. There's so much competition too. Also, microbrews are a lot stronger than your old-school domestic brewskis. Those can give you a serious hangover.


I know this will sound strange but many people don't like the buzz and hangover from beer but they still love the taste. There are a lot more people that have quit drinking nowadays. So what's replacing that beverage of choice? They are drinking alcohol-free beer.

In fact, alcohol-free beer is one of the fastest-growing brands in Illinois and across the United States. Many brewski lovers are huge fans. Luckily for them, most breweries have at least one of their own so there are plenty of options out there. That industry keeps expanding each year.

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LOOK: Best Beers From Every State

To find the best beer in each state and Washington D.C., Stacker analyzed January 2020 data from BeerAdvocate, a website that gathers user scores for beer in real-time. BeerAdvocate makes its determinations by compiling consumer ratings for all 50 states and Washington D.C. and applying a weighted rank to each. The weighted rank pulls the beer toward the list's average based on the number of ratings it has and aims to allow lesser-known beers to increase in rank. Only beers with at least 10 rankings to be considered; we took it a step further to only include beers with at least 100 user rankings in our gallery. Keep reading to find out what the best beer is in each of the 50 states and Washington D.C.

Gallery Credit: Angela Underwood

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