Teen Furious 16-Year-Old Sister Passed Around ‘Private’ Videos of Her Bedroom
A teenage girl, 19, is upset that her younger sister, 16, shared personal videos of her bedroom with her friends.
"Recently my sister sent private videos of my room that she took when I was at my lowest point mentally to her friend. This friend then sent the videos to all of our friends. For everyone we knew to see," the young woman wrote on Reddit.
Her boyfriend and several of their mutual friends saw the videos before her younger sister was told to take them down.
"My sister’s friend said they did it [shared the videos] because I 'needed to learn my place,' and that 'no one was going to give me any sympathy' because I 'didn’t deserve it,'" she explained.
The teen screamed at her sister and her sister's friend out, calling them out for invading her privacy and "humiliating" her on purpose.
"I blocked my sister’s friend and unfollowed them on everything. I still haven’t really talked to my sister," she continued.
However, her mom sided with her sister and told her she brought it upon herself, and that she should have kept her room clean, despite knowing that she "was not at all mentally stable/well at the time those videos were taken."
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Users tried to comfort the teen in the comments, with many slamming her family for their abhorrent behavior.
"Sounds like you clearly had depression, that's so wrong and I’m sorry you had to go through that. Your sister sounds like a little bully. If you can afford it you should get a lock for your room, that way she no longer has the privilege or a way of getting into it again to prevent this from happening again," one person wrote, prompting the woman to respond, saying: "I have a lock but my mom won’t let me lock my room."
"Your family is horrible, you've clearly been clinically depressed. Please find some counseling or therapy, you deserve to be happy. Your sister needs to be permanently kept at arm's length, don't speak in personal terms with her. Just superficial chit chat. Be making plans for your future, so you can get out of your mother's house soon. Your mother is a fool and your sister's friend is less than zero, never think of him as human again," another shared.
"I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m betting this is just one of many bullying actions you’ve received from your sister and her crowd. The fact that your mom won’t let you protect yourself by locking the door means it will continue to happen. It’s going to be very hard to restore your mental health while constantly under attack. Please consider any options you may have to get out of there," someone else advised.
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Gallery Credit: Michele Bird