Many of us get excited to look up when we know there's a meteor shower in store. Those beautiful streaks across the night sky are a cool part of our universe so imagine have two happening at the same time.

Well here we go on July 29 and July 30 so fingers crossed you have a clear sky for this celestial experience.

According to Mental Floss, the two meteor showers peaking at the same time are the Southern Delta Aquarids and the Alpha Capricornids. Yeah, I won't remember those names either. Anyway, this wonderous light show put on by our cosmos will peak on Tuesday, July 30.

Perseids meteor shower, appeared during the middle of August every year.
Zhuoxiao Wang

Now these two meteor showers last several weeks as these rocks intersect with our earth's orbit and the comet burns up in our atmosphere. The rocky debris that the comet leaves behind is what gives off our light shows. Having a double-meteor shower peaking at the some time is an amazing coincidence according to the Space website.

For two meteor showers to peak within 24 hours of each other is a little bit unusual. But the idea of multiple showers being visible in a single night? Certainly not too uncommon. Most meteor showers are minor.

This end-of-July light show will have around 25 meteors streaking across the sky each hour.

You really need to get to a dark site, away from lights, traffic, stay off your cell phones and let your eyes acclimate to the dark and you may have a chance of seeing some of those faint objects.

Meteor showers are happening on constant intervals because of their predictable orbits around the sun according to Space, we usually just can't see them. Your best viewing for this double-dose starts after midnight, peaking 2:00AM and 4:00AM.

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