The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train returns to Dubuque this Saturday December 3rd

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will make an appearance in Dubuque at the railroad crossing at Rhomberg and Hawthorne streets.  The Holiday Train is scheduled to arrive at 8:30 P.M. with the show beginning at 8:45 P.M.  The train’s stage car will be on the Hawthorne St. crossing with the stage facing Rhomberg Ave.

To see the entire train schedule and a video CLICK HERE

dub police

Here are a few friendly reminders from the Dubuque Police Department.

The Dubuque Police Department would like to remind those attending that once the train has arrived, pedestrians arriving will not be able to cross the railroad tracks.  Those people planning to arrive and park in the Kerper Blvd. and Sutton pool areas are encouraged to be across the tracks on the stage side of the crossing (Rhomberg Ave. side) by 8:15 P.M.  Again, for safety reasons, once the train has arrived pedestrians on the Kerper Blvd. side of the crossing will not be allowed or able to cross the train tracks to get to the Rhomberg Ave, stage side, of the train.

Those attending the Holiday Train event are reminded that the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train, through this tour stop in Dubuque, is sponsoring a holiday food drive for the Dubuque Food Pantry.  Members of the Dubuque Food Pantry will be on hand to accept donations of healthy non-perishable food items.


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